"How Many Babies are
Born in Midwest City? Zero."

Why We Build Generations

It wasn't always like this

In 2017, Travis & Malana welcomed their first child at Renaissance Birthing Center in Midwest City. They were grateful this vital service was accessible in Eastern Oklahoma County. For generations, women in EOC relied on this facility to birth their children. In 2021, the birthing center and all OB/GYN care shut down, leaving vulnerable and under-resourced mothers in EOC to choose between eating and healthcare. Unfortuately, it wasn't just healthcare they lost, but the foundation of their community support.

How BG bring support & fights for health accessibility in EOC

Do something for every baby born in Midwest City

It's a lofty goal and a goal we can't achieve it alone. We believe in families. We believe in healthy mothers body, soul, and spirit and healthy pregnancies and postpartum experiences. For pregnant mothers who connect with us, we offer them a variety of support services that bridges the gap in their healthcare, connection to community, and opportunities for proactive family development trainings.

Learn more about our services

2023 Impact DATA (AUG.-DEC.)


2023 Impact DATA (AUG.-DEC.)


Number of OBGYNS:

Closest L&D:
8.5 miles

Pediatric Physicians:

Family Doctors: Many! But they cannot perform obstetrics.

Fetal Ultrasound Service Providers: 2

Mom community groups: 2

Families Served by BG since October 2023

48+ Pregnant Moms

Served with our Mom & Baby Closet

300+ Visits

To our community food pantry.

150+ Moms

Served by our community mom groups

48+ Rides

By BG Medical Transportation Services (since December 2023)